Bezirk Aarau Business directory Page 300

> Switzerland > Canton of Aargau > Bezirk Aarau

Bezirk Aarau entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here containing informations of contact-address, operation hours and ratings. You can add your own business entry or association here.

Bezirk Aarau entries

There were 10072 entries found

Aarestrasse 7
5000, Aarau

 062 822 00 80

Industriestrasse 26
5036, Oberentfelden

 062 723 55 33
 062 723 06 26

Pfrundweg 14
5000, Aarau

 062 844 20 60

Trottengasse 539
5042, Hirschthal

 078 803 68 71

Tellistrasse 67
5000, Aarau

 062 824 84 64
 062 822 25 46

Gewerbestrasse 6
5034, Suhr

 062 842 44 87
 062 842 44 40

Bahnhofstrasse 96
5000, Aarau

 062 823 06 18

Schlüsselring 10
5037, Muhen

 062 737 80 35
 062 737 80 36

Bahnhofstrasse 41
5000, Aarau

 062 825 28 28

Ziegelrain 29
5000, Aarau

 062 837 17 17
 062 837 17 77

Vordere Vorstadt 16
5000, Aarau

 062 822 79 66
 062 822 79 66

Tellstrasse 19
5000, Aarau

 062 871 95 04

Mühlerain 2
5023, Biberstein

 062 827 28 28
 062 827 32 01

Muhenstrasse 52
5036, Oberentfelden

 062 723 89 68

Sonnmattstrasse 3
5022, Rombach

 062 827 06 66

Dorfplatz 3
5026, Densbüren

 062 878 16 30

Igelweid 22
5000, Aarau

 062 823 44 10
 062 823 44 11

Weierweg 48
5722, Gränichen

 062 842 91 91

Ziegelrain 11
5000, Aarau

 062 832 77 00
 062 832 77 09

Erzgrubenweg 12
5000, Aarau

 062 822 38 29

Cities & surrounding

Bezirk Aarau branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Bezirk Aarau in this month. This month 3 companies were registered, 7 were updated and 9 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Bezirk Aarau March 2025Diagram Bezirk AarauDiagram Bezirk Aarau March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Bezirk Aarau with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Bezirk Aarau 2025Statistics Bezirk AarauStatistics Bezirk Aarau 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Bezirk Aarau