Bezirk Baden Business directory Page 211

> Switzerland > Canton of Aargau > Bezirk Baden

Business entries of Bezirk Baden are listed here with address, opening hours and ratings of customers. You can enlist your own business entry or organization on this page.

Bezirk Baden entries

There were 16074 entries found

Zelglistrasse 40
5417, Untersiggenthal

 056 288 21 21

Hintermättlistrasse 5
5506, Mägenwil

 056 485 91 91
 056 485 91 95

Theaterplatz 8
5400, Baden

 056 204 96 00
 056 204 96 01

Mellingerstrasse 207
5405, Dättwil AG

 056 470 51 55

Industriestrasse 171
8957, Spreitenbach

 058 455 21 11
 058 455 21 10

Eisenbahnweg 3
5400, Baden

 056 222 74 53

Bahnhofplatz 4
5400, Baden

 056 203 41 00

Industriestrasse 17
5301, Siggenthal Station

 056 281 13 13
 056 281 13 10

Kehlstrasse 33
5400, Baden

 056 221 86 31

Industriestrasse 10
5301, Siggenthal Station

 056 297 10 30
 056 297 10 35

Dorfstrasse 2
5405, Dättwil AG

 056 493 23 13
 056 493 00 87

Alberich Zwyssigstrasse 28
5430, Wettingen

 056 406 50 40

Dorfstrasse 4
5442, Fislisbach

 056 484 80 20
 056 484 80 25

Bankstrasse 4
5432, Neuenhof

 056 406 32 40
 056 406 32 59

Jakobstrasse 1
5430, Wettingen

 056 430 01 05

Harlachenstrasse 4
5442, Fislisbach

 056 493 42 67

Cordulaplatz 6
5400, Baden

 056 222 23 26

Industriestrasse 23
5303, Würenlingen

 056 290 00 50

Theaterplatz 4
5400, Baden

 056 210 32 22
 056 210 32 33

Vorderi Böde 3
5452, Oberrohrdorf

 056 496 52 75

Cities & surrounding

Bezirk Baden branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Bezirk Baden in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 2 were updated and 2 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Bezirk Baden March 2025Diagram Bezirk BadenDiagram Bezirk Baden March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Bezirk Baden with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Bezirk Baden 2025Statistics Bezirk BadenStatistics Bezirk Baden 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Bezirk Baden