Bezirk Frauenfeld Business directory Page 251

> Switzerland > Thurgau > Bezirk Frauenfeld

Bezirk Frauenfeld entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here with informations of contact-address, hours and reviews of customers. You can register your own business entry or organization here.

Bezirk Frauenfeld entries

There were 8055 entries found


Schaffhauserstrasse 68
8500, Frauenfeld

 052 721 99 63
 052 721 99 62

Bachrain 3
8266, Steckborn

 052 770 24 11
 052 770 24 12

St. Gallerstrasse 31
8500, Frauenfeld

 052 720 28 08
 052 720 35 30

Stettfurterstrasse 9
9548, Matzingen

 052 376 11 29
 052 376 24 90

Thundorferstrasse 45
8500, Frauenfeld

 052 728 07 24

St. Gallerstrasse 18
8500, Frauenfeld

 052 722 27 22

Zürcherstrasse 146
8500, Frauenfeld

 052 723 35 00
 052 723 35 09

Juchstrasse 1
8500, Frauenfeld

 071 672 23 18
 071 672 77 94

Bahnhofstrasse 57
8500, Frauenfeld

 052 720 49 24

Badistrasse 2
9507, Stettfurt

 079 424 88 09

Herrengasse 9
8526, Oberneunforn

 052 745 17 07

Zürcherstrasse 270
8500, Frauenfeld

 052 720 16 52
 052 730 00 04

Im Berg
8537, Nussbaumen TG

 052 740 28 14

Alte Poststrasse 25
9548, Matzingen

 052 366 33 66
 052 366 33 65

Seestrasse 86
8267, Berlingen

 052 761 36 72

St. Gallerstrasse 4
8500, Frauenfeld

 071 620 18 88

Hauptstrasse 44
8264, Eschenz

 079 336 67 11

Schaffhauserstrasse 6
8500, Frauenfeld

 071 944 36 16

Trüttlikonerstrasse 3
8524, Buch b. Frauenfeld

 052 740 41 89

Fliederstrasse 10
8500, Frauenfeld

 052 720 30 70
 052 721 90 25

Cities & surrounding

Bezirk Frauenfeld branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Bezirk Frauenfeld in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 4 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Bezirk Frauenfeld March 2025Diagram Bezirk FrauenfeldDiagram Bezirk Frauenfeld March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Bezirk Frauenfeld with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Bezirk Frauenfeld 2025Statistics Bezirk FrauenfeldStatistics Bezirk Frauenfeld 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Bezirk Frauenfeld