Corcelles-sur-Chavornay Business directory

> Switzerland > Vaud > District du Jura-Nord vaudois > Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

Corcelles-sur-Chavornay entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here with informations of address, hours and ratings. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

Corcelles-sur-Chavornay entries

There were 31 entries found

1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 41 19
 024 441 42 30

route de Chavornay 1
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 19 01

le Château 3
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 076 537 55 94

1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 41 19
 024 441 42 30

le Pontet 1
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 86 00
 024 441 86 01

rue des Hirondelles 2
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 565 95 59

le Pontet 1
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 86 00
 024 441 86 01

route de Chavornay 12
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 46 86
 024 441 48 47

le Château 3
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 076 537 55 94

route de Penthéréaz 20
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 90 50
 024 441 90 40

rue de Chavornay 6
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 46 07
 024 441 84 62

route de Vuarrens 2
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 28 28

le Cerisier 4
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 66 00

route de Chavornay 12
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 46 86
 024 441 48 47

le Château
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 81 30

le Château 3
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 076 537 55 94

le Pontet 1
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 86 00
 024 441 86 01

le Pontet 1
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 86 00
 024 441 86 01

route de Penthéréaz 20
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 90 50
 024 441 90 40

le Château
1374, Corcelles-sur-Chavornay

 024 441 81 30

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Cities & surrounding

Corcelles-sur-Chavornay branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Corcelles-sur-Chavornay in this month. This month 12 companies were registered, 6 were updated and 42 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Corcelles-sur-Chavornay March 2025Diagram Corcelles-sur-ChavornayDiagram Corcelles-sur-Chavornay March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Corcelles-sur-Chavornay with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Corcelles-sur-Chavornay 2025Statistics Corcelles-sur-ChavornayStatistics Corcelles-sur-Chavornay 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Corcelles-sur-Chavornay