Decorative fabrics Business directory Page 15

> Business Directory > Textiles and Clothing > Household Linen and Fabrics > Decorative fabrics

Business entries of Decorative fabrics are gathered here containing informations of contact-data, operation hours and ratings. You can add your own company entry or association here.

Decorative fabrics entries

There were 1004 entries found

Hofackergarten 2
8217, Wilchingen

 052 681 25 85

Schmiedestrasse 1
4133, Pratteln

 061 826 70 70
 061 826 70 71

Zentrum Lai
7078, Lenzerheide/Lai

 081 384 20 44
 081 384 63 73

Gartenstrasse 1
3110, Münsingen

 031 721 01 31

Zugerstrasse 16
6312, Steinhausen

 041 740 41 47
 041 740 41 74

Bahnhofstrasse 8
3280, Murten

 079 651 26 64

Spalenberg 63
4051, Basel

 061 271 64 41

Wilerstrasse 24
9602, Bazenheid

 071 931 15 40

Obere Gasse 12
7000, Chur

 081 252 10 37

Toggenburgerstrasse 67
9500, Wil SG

 071 913 38 48

Oberhofstrasse 30
6020, Emmenbrücke

 041 260 12 12
 041 260 12 13

Hauptstrasse 10
8867, Niederurnen

 055 610 27 36

Thunstrasse 87
3006, Bern

 031 352 70 44

Landstrasse 46
5430, Wettingen

 056 437 03 70
 056 437 03 75

Hasenwiese 19
8753, Mollis

 055 612 15 25
 055 622 37 21

Brüggstrasse 14
2503, Biel/Bienne

 032 365 98 88
 032 365 98 67

Kramgasse 53
3011, Bern

 031 311 01 11

Amsleracherweg 8
5033, Buchs AG

 062 837 52 51
 062 837 52 50

Tellstrasse 25
8201, Schaffhausen

 052 625 80 20

Heuberg 21
4051, Basel

 061 261 60 49

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Cities & surrounding

Decorative fabrics branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Decorative fabrics in this month. This month 3 companies were registered, 6 were updated and 7 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Decorative fabrics March 2025Diagram Decorative fabricsDiagram Decorative fabrics March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Decorative fabrics with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Decorative fabrics 2025Statistics Decorative fabricsStatistics Decorative fabrics 202501632486480February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics