Haute-Ajoie Business directory

> Switzerland > Canton of Jura > District de Porrentruy > Haute-Ajoie

Haute-Ajoie entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here containing contact-data, hours and reviews of users. You can register your own company entry or association on this page.

Haute-Ajoie entries

There were 77 entries found

L'Abbaye 114
Case postale 79
2906, Chevenez

 032 476 62 21
 032 476 71 21

2906, Chevenez

 079 328 24 16

place Mgr. Eugène Lachat 36B
2912, Réclère

 032 476 66 91

le Jura 12
2906, Chevenez

 032 476 69 17

route Principale 46B
2914, Damvant

 032 476 68 61

route de Besançon 36A
2906, Chevenez

 032 476 60 23
 032 476 60 69

route de Besançon 30B
2906, Chevenez

 079 343 76 77
 032 476 60 46

route Principale 32c
2914, Damvant

 032 476 69 75
 032 476 63 44

L'Abbaye 121
2906, Chevenez

 032 476 64 64
 032 476 73 09

L'Abbaye 108
2906, Chevenez

 032 476 68 07

rue des Bruyères 385
2906, Chevenez

 032 476 71 41

route Principale 24
2914, Damvant

 032 476 66 34

L'Abbaye 114
Case postale 79
2906, Chevenez

 032 476 62 21
 032 476 71 21

2906, Chevenez

 032 476 68 56

au Breuil
2906, Chevenez

 032 466 79 92

rue des Moissons 95
2906, Chevenez

 032 466 57 49

rue Jean-Pierre Riat 61
2906, Chevenez

 032 466 36 54

les Colonges 69
2906, Chevenez

 032 476 60 68

les Colonges 71
2906, Chevenez

 079 334 37 15

les Colonges 92
2906, Chevenez

 032 476 64 80
 032 476 65 34

1 2 3 4 >>

Cities & surrounding

Haute-Ajoie branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Haute-Ajoie in this month. This month 43 companies were registered, 21 were updated and 4 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Haute-Ajoie March 2025Diagram Haute-AjoieDiagram Haute-Ajoie March 2025New registrationUpdateDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Haute-Ajoie with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Haute-Ajoie 2025Statistics Haute-AjoieStatistics Haute-Ajoie 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Haute-Ajoie