Jussy Business directory Page 4

> Switzerland > Canton of Geneva > Genève (Kanton Genf) > Jussy

Business entries of Jussy are gathered here with contact-address, opening hours and reviews of customers. You can add your own business entry or association here.

Jussy entries

There were 114 entries found

ch. des Prés-Seigneur 29
1254, Jussy

 022 752 60 30

ch. de Sionnet 57
1254, Jussy

 022 759 00 00
 022 759 18 10

ch. des Embrouchis 10
1254, Jussy

 022 379 37 50

ch. des Communes 24
1254, Jussy

 022 759 19 96
 022 759 20 80

ch. de Buffard 7-9
1254, Jussy

 022 759 05 37

route du Petit-Lullier 38
1254, Jussy

 022 759 91 91
 022 759 91 92

ch. des Prés-Seigneur 27
1254, Jussy

 022 759 20 00

route de Lullier 71
1254, Jussy

 022 759 92 00
 022 759 92 09

route de Jussy 336
1254, Jussy

 022 759 06 06

route de Lullier 62
1254, Jussy

 022 781 55 05

ch. des Prés-Seigneur 13
1254, Jussy

 022 759 30 30
 022 759 30 31

route du Château-du-Crest 40
1254, Jussy

 022 759 06 11
 022 759 11 22

ch. de Jussy-l'Eglise 5
1254, Jussy

 079 219 27 56

route du Château-L'Evêque 8
1254, Jussy

 022 759 01 02
 022 759 01 04

route de Jussy 230
1254, Jussy

 022 759 20 42

route de La-Gara 28
1254, Jussy

 022 759 07 00
 022 759 07 05

ch. des Prés-Seigneur 17
Case postale 304
1254, Jussy

 022 759 01 74

ch. des Grands-Bois 71
1254, Jussy

 022 759 12 05

route de Lullier 62
1254, Jussy

 022 781 55 05

route de Bellebouche 158
1254, Jussy

 079 215 48 37
 022 751 19 55

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Cities & surrounding

Jussy branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Jussy in this month. This month 9 companies were registered, 9 were updated and 61 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Jussy March 2025Diagram JussyDiagram Jussy March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Jussy with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Jussy 2025Statistics JussyStatistics Jussy 202501632486480February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Jussy