Niederönz Business directory Page 4

> Switzerland > Canton of Bern > Oberaargau > Niederönz

Business entries of Niederönz are gathered here with contact, opening hours and ratings of users. You can register your own business entry or organization here.

Niederönz entries

There were 94 entries found

Aeschistrasse 38
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 46 10

Schulhausstrasse 2
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 85 52
 062 961 85 51

Parkweg 1
3362, Niederönz

 062 530 07 30

3362, Niederönz

 062 961 37 37

Wiesenstrasse 3
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 13 66
 062 961 93 39

Industriestrasse 33
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 34 23
 062 961 34 63

Lindenstrasse 4
3362, Niederönz

 079 333 34 35

Aeschistrasse 13
3362, Niederönz

 079 332 90 65
 062 968 19 10

Lindenstrasse 4
3362, Niederönz

 079 333 34 35

Höheweg 8
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 63 70
 062 961 63 60

Industriestrasse 15
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 37 37
 062 961 01 57

Industriestrasse 9
3362, Niederönz

 062 956 68 74
 062 956 68 79


Dörflistrasse 6
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 30 61
 062 961 95 43

Mühlestrasse 10
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 07 81

Industriestrasse 9
3362, Niederönz

 062 956 68 68
 062 956 68 79

Schulhausstrasse 1
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 43 82

Aeschistrasse 23
3362, Niederönz

 062 956 00 90


Dörflistrasse 6
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 30 61
 062 961 95 43

Aeschistrasse 72
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 54 25
 062 961 54 26

Industriestrasse 11
3362, Niederönz

 062 961 80 65
 062 961 80 66

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Cities & surrounding

Niederönz branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Niederönz in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 9 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Niederönz March 2025Diagram NiederönzDiagram Niederönz March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Niederönz with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Niederönz 2025Statistics NiederönzStatistics Niederönz 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Niederönz