Oberwil bei Büren Business directory

> Switzerland > Canton of Bern > Seeland > Oberwil bei Büren

Business entries of Oberwil bei Büren are gathered here with contact, hours and reviews. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Oberwil bei Büren entries

There were 60 entries found

Bachstrasse 23
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 12 08

Biezwilstrasse 7
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 12 11

Schnottwilstrasse 1
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 34 15

Möösli 40
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 079 902 61 60

Sonnenrain 14
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 46 35

Barweg 2A
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 36 67

Wilhof 9
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 09 19

Im Dorf 36
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 34 55
 032 351 34 73

Schnottwilstrasse 37
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 48 80
 032 351 48 87

Sonnenrain 14
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 46 35

Schnottwilstrasse 1
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 34 15

Im Holz 6
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 33 93
 032 351 48 60

Wilhof 9
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 09 19

Möösli 14
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 24 04

Schnottwilstrasse 6
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 079 354 72 64

3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 352 04 19

Wilhof 3
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 02 59

Hofacher 9
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 352 07 30
 032 352 07 40

Rütistrasse 50
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 32 16
 032 351 02 26

Schnottwilstrasse 37
3298, Oberwil b. Büren

 032 351 48 80
 032 351 48 87

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Cities & surrounding

Oberwil bei Büren branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Oberwil bei Büren in this month. This month 10 companies were registered, 24 were updated and 25 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Oberwil bei Büren February 2025Diagram Oberwil bei BürenDiagram Oberwil bei Büren February 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Oberwil bei Büren with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Oberwil bei Büren 2025Statistics Oberwil bei BürenStatistics Oberwil bei Büren 2025020406080100January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Oberwil bei Büren