Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial Business directory Page 4

> Business Directory > Mechanical Engineering and Industry > Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial

Business entries of Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial are gathered here containing address, opening hours and reviews. You can register your own business entry or association here.

Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial entries

There were 199 entries found

Schulhausstrasse 4A
3800, Unterseen

 033 822 06 06
 033 823 43 03

Schürlistrasse 11
8344, Bäretswil

 044 939 22 70
 044 939 25 55

route de l'Industrie 24
1615, Bossonnens

 021 948 91 15

8722, Kaltbrunn

 055 283 24 07
 055 283 24 10

ch. Vignettaz 1
1029, Villars-Ste-Croix

 021 601 61 00

route de Chandoline 25b
1950, Sion

 027 203 61 00
 027 203 48 58

Weidstrasse 9
6343, Rotkreuz

 052 224 40 40

Breite 18
4312, Magden

 061 841 23 13
 061 841 24 70

Bernstrasse 20
3018, Bern

 079 670 79 94
 031 991 84 62

Warpelstrasse 4
3186, Düdingen

 026 493 10 52
 026 493 35 95

Rütimoosstrasse 5
3076, Worb

 031 818 16 16
 031 818 16 26

Piccardstrasse 5
9015, St. Gallen

 052 720 66 77
 052 720 66 90

1200, Genève

 022 731 12 22

Moosblickweg 9
3123, Belp

 031 812 16 16
 031 812 16 17

Murgstrasse 15
9545, Wängi

 052 378 20 92
 052 378 21 82

Im Langacker 20A
5405, Dättwil AG

 056 484 50 00
 056 484 50 01

route de Chandoline 25b
1950, Sion

 027 203 61 00
 027 203 48 58

Heimeliweg 2a
8952, Schlieren

 052 224 40 40

Obermühleweg 5
7302, Landquart

 081 300 07 07
 081 300 07 09

Bernstrasse 20
2555, Brügg BE

 032 355 21 11
 032 355 22 12

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Cities & surrounding

Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial in this month. This month 16 companies were registered, 40 were updated and 3 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial March 2025Diagram Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrialDiagram Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial March 2025UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial 2025Statistics Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrialStatistics Refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics