Rickenbach (ZH) Business directory Page 10

> Switzerland > Canton of Zurich > Bezirk Winterthur > Rickenbach (ZH)

Business entries of Rickenbach (ZH) are listed here with contact-data, operation hours and ratings. You can register your own company entry or association here.

Rickenbach (ZH) entries

There were 200 entries found

Ritterweg 15
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 336 14 68

Hinter Grüt 20
8545, Rickenbach ZH

 052 336 13 49
 052 336 13 19

Stationsstrasse 32
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 337 13 45

Stationsstrasse 16
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 337 23 22

Römerstrasse 3
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 336 21 21

Mülihaldenstrasse 3
8545, Rickenbach ZH

 052 337 00 34
 052 337 05 88

Mülihaldenstrasse 3
8545, Rickenbach ZH

 052 337 00 34
 052 337 05 88

Büelstrasse 14
8545, Rickenbach ZH

 079 419 77 40

Römerstrasse 3
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 336 21 21

Mülihaldenstrasse 3
8545, Rickenbach ZH

 052 337 00 34
 052 337 05 88

Hinter Grüt 7
8545, Rickenbach ZH

 052 336 11 20
 052 336 11 74

8545, Rickenbach ZH

 044 480 21 90
 044 480 21 91

Stationsstrasse 2
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 337 02 00

Wiesackerstrasse 12
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 337 29 57
 052 337 29 58

Stationsstrasse 53
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 337 13 88

Hinter Grüt 12
8545, Rickenbach ZH

 079 479 76 00

Steinler 31
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 337 45 33
 052 337 45 34

Schmiedgasse 3
8545, Rickenbach ZH

 052 337 32 45
 052 337 32 50

Römerstrasse 3
8545, Rickenbach Sulz

 052 336 21 21

Schmiedgasse 4
8545, Rickenbach ZH

 052 337 28 25

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Cities & surrounding

Rickenbach (ZH) branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Rickenbach (ZH) in this month. This month 9 companies were registered, 6 were updated and 41 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Rickenbach (ZH) March 2025Diagram Rickenbach (ZH)Diagram Rickenbach (ZH) March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Rickenbach (ZH) with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Rickenbach (ZH) 2025Statistics Rickenbach (ZH)Statistics Rickenbach (ZH) 202501428425670February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Rickenbach (ZH)